wix embed refused to connect

How to fix Twitch iframe embeds on Wix websites? - YouTube We create a page with two similar sides. Thanks for the input. Any port can be used, though this does not need to be specified anywhere (80, 3000, 8100, etc), Local development over other IP ranges (e.g. You can also pass data between your page code and the code in an HTML element. Head on over to the Community Blog to read the latest posts from around the world. Get inspired by unique designs & powerful websites built on Wix. What were the most popular text editors for MS-DOS in the 1980s? tvunscripted.com, www.tvunscripted.com, and tvunscriptedimprov-wixsite-com.filesusr.com, are the only valid parents youve listed, all of the others are erroneous. My goal is to display content from an external web page (company SharePoint) onto the Portal. PLEASE DONATEhttps://www.tipeeestream.com/coderevolution/donationTo your success,Szabi - CodeRevolution.PS: This description contains affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you! References: making a webpage request thru a win 10 server is a way to circumvent that rejection ? HamidBee Let us know in theCommunity Feedbackforum if you have any questions or comments about your community experience, but for now head on over to the forumsGet Help with Power Pagesand dive right in! Do let us know if the provided solution works for you or not. They do allow iframing on their search box: https://duckduckgo.com/search_box. The method is simple, pay attention to the video from above and you will be able to fix embeds on your Wix site.SOLUTION: It seems that Wix will put your iframe in another iframe, so you need to include your website as a parent and that extra iframe also as a parent!Example: your website: somesite.com + iframe generated by Wix: somesite-com.fileusr.com or www-somesite.com.filesusr.comSo your parent in the Twitch embed code would be: parent=somesite.com\u0026parent=www.somesite.com\u0026parent=www-somesite-com.filesusr.comYou can check the specific of your extra iFrame by right clicking on the broken embed, hitting inspect and then looking in the source.Subscribe to this channel to get more videos like this (also hit bell notification)!SUBSCRIBE? We'll be looking forward to hearing your results. Some sites have security policies that forbid them from being embedded on external platforms such as Wix. Any suggestions? There are a host of features and new capabilities now available on Power Platform Communities Front Door to make content more discoverable for all power product community users which includes Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE, SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin from accessing a cross-origin frame, Stylesheet not loaded because of MIME type.

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