why was the sinking of the lusitania important
[2]:197, At about 11:00 on 7 May, the Admiralty radioed another warning to all ships, probably as a result of a request by Alfred Booth, who was concerned about Lusitania: "U-boats active in southern part of Irish Channel. Unfortunately, the ship was attacked early in the war, so much so that later tactics for avoiding such attacks had yet to be conceived. For years we have been sending small-arms cartridges abroad on the Lusitania. Mayer was a conservative who was considered a safe pair of hands with matters of national interest, and whose favourite remark to lawyers was to "come to the point". Be sure to place the phrase you add close to the word it modifies. The fleet was warned to expect additional submarines, but this warning was not passed on to those sections of the navy dealing with merchant vessels. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Germany defended its aggression, claiming Lusitania had carried weapons and war supplies and was therefore fair game. [74], Emile Henry Lacombe wrote a letter to the New York Times advancing a conspiracy theory about the German sinking of the Lusitania in 1915. Ten minutes after the torpedo struck, when she had slowed enough to start putting boats in the water, the lifeboats on the starboard side swung out too far to step aboard safely. However, the Germans say their U-boat only fired one torpedo. In May 1915 the British ocean liner was sailing from New York City to Liverpool, England. This warning was printed adjacent to an advertisement for Lusitania's return voyage. Weegy: The sinking of the Lusitania was important because it helped switched the American opinion into joining the war, thus leaving the neutrality view. Score 1 Although the Admiralty instructed ships to keep well offshore and it was claimed that Turner had only been 8 nautical miles (15km) away, his actual distance when hit was thirteen nautical miles (24km). Barbara later learned that her mother fell into the sea but was rescued and placed into the same lifeboat as her daughter. The three had agreed that the Admiralty warning of "submarine activity 20 miles [37km] south of Coningbeg" effectively overrode other Admiralty advice to keep to 'mid channel', which was where the submarine had been reported.
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