why do i feel like allah is punishing me

Why we do pray ALLAH ? Ali 'Imran(76), And Allah loves those who are good in their deeds. The pain is in everything.I feel like ALLAH cant see me happy. Here are how volunteering helps booasting your self esteem: As I mentioned before Muslims around the world are bulled for their race, their religion. Do read more about low self-esteem. Exercising your criticial thinking is a the best way to free yourself from the oppression of thought that comes with Islam and religion in general. How can I make my Iman stronger by accepting this truth that Allah will not make it happen in my life ever. Whenever you feel pain, try to remember my hardship, this will reduce. Set it and collect blessings from Allah (swt) for the khayr you're supporting without thinking about it. It's hard to explain. Well, all of a sudden the guy just stopped talking to me after a while which I guess he lost interest. Would try to make u happy but remember. How about Allah just makes me quit those sins, i will not enter Hell but will enter Paradise? If Allah swt is with you, nothing can hurt you. But due to your duaa Allah would lift the hardship of you being afflicted with cancer. I thought very carefully when I chose my career, and I wanted it to be a way of not only worship but charity work as well. Allah doesnt exist and you starting to doubt his existence is a sign that you are exercising your critical thinking which is making you contrast mythology (Allah/Islam) and reality (this very world). But I simply CANNOT bear this. I actually had something physical. Most importantly, I want to provide for my parents who have worked very hard all their lives and also my little sister so that she has more educational and career opportunities than I ever had. In the last but not the least So that duaa actually lightened and eased things up for you. Count your blessings and dont focus on the negative side of your life. not getting any job because employer will see me as an worthless person when they need a winning employee in their fast business competition in this to die for world reality edition. Thank him in all situations because he knows what you do not. https://aboutislam.net/reading-islam/living-islam/building-self-esteem-and-self-confidence-for-youth/, https://aboutislam.net/reading-islam/living-islam/5-strategies-to-improve-self-confidence/, https://aboutislam.net/shariah/hadith/this-hadith/tired-life-difficulties-read-hadith/. i am sick and tired of this ugly life which i have no other choice to live with until my death. I don't understand why is it that when I stand up for myself and confront the person for their rude behaviour, I get treated like dirt and I become the bad, selfish, arrogant person. I do not need anyones anything, I am sufficient. You can't truly work as a team when there is a power imbalance in this way. In fact now I think I have 2 diseases.

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why do i feel like allah is punishing me