why did eugene kill himself sopranos

When Tony prevents Eugene from moving to Florida with his family, he commits suicide. Sirico reportedly racked up a total of 28 arrests in his younger life, even if he was only . Gigi Cestone | The Sopranos Wiki | Fandom Blow-Up is one of his favorite films, and it has a famously non-definitive ending that invites the viewer to project their own meanings. Between that, his sketchy upbringing, his junkie son who hates him, and the Florida letdown, Gene was under a bunch a heavy shit. Adam McKay Has Sold His Next Celebrity Hangout. And thats even before we get to Holstens, a scene shot and edited unlike anything else in the history of this show. Alan: Yes, the Holstens scene is about death specifically, about the idea that we are all here on borrowed time, and our lives can be snatched away at any moment, without warning or explanation or the slightest hint of fairness. The jacket possibly signifies his affiliation to a special gang. But the very fact that Chase devotes so much time to what seems like nothing makes the whole scene all the more nerve-racking. Its also easy to see that Chase is of two minds on the last scene. The most popular theory is that Butchie had Tony killed. Dont stop believin you know exactly what happened at the end of, This password will be used to sign into all, when Chase wrote that article about the scene, a journalist reported that Chase told her Tony lived, Roy Wood Jr.s Best Jokes at the 2023 White House Correspondents Dinner, Julia Fox Is the Only Celeb Taking White House Correspondents Fashion Seriously, The 11 Best Movies and TV Shows to Watch This Weekend, The Rivalry Between the Knicks and the Heat From the Guys Who Were There, The Knicks Vs. Heat Rivalry From the Guys Who Were There, Long Live the White House Correspondents Dinner. I mean its a prompt for us to think about death and life, and what weve done with our lives. Anyway, the focus is on whod order the hit. Tony said, This is good. Eugene Pontecorvo was born in Newark, New Jersey in 1959 to a family of Italian descent, and he became a made man in Tony Soprano's crew of the DiMeo crime familyafter having worked as a bodyguard for Junior Soprano during the 1990s. He was pretty crazy. And they weren't. 18 comments 88% Upvoted This thread is archived I felt then, and now, afraid for Tony Soprano, and painfully aware of both his fragile mortality and my own, more keenly than any other piece of art has made me feel. 2023 Vox Media, LLC. But all that stuff exists outside the text, not in it. Thats one more reason why this scene feels dreamlike, along with all those incidental characters, like Members Only Guy and the uniformed Boy Scouts, who feel like people youd meet in an 80s music video. Eugene reveals his mean streak once again in the episode "Eloise" when he and another associate engage in jury tampering, in which they are sent to intimidate a juror who is on Junior Soprano's trial. David Chase had this all planned out since at least the beginning of Season 3, when Eugene first appeared. He resents AJ because AJ got the mother he wish he had. But he always manages to avoid going there. Eugene Pontecorvo also appears in a flashback to 1995 in the episode "To Save Us All From Satan's Power" as a bodyguard of Junior Soprano's, along with Gigi Cestone. I cant imagine that it would succumb to them in its final moments, no matter how great the temptation and as our conversations with Chase confirmed, that temptation did exist. With his wife bitter and his son using heroin, Eugene hangs himself. This is what I keep coming back to. Prior to landing the part of Eugene, Funaro didnt have any screen credits to his name. Eugene responds by smashing a glass Snapple bottle over Little Paulie's head, causing a severe gash over his eye, and kicks him repeatedly in the head.

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why did eugene kill himself sopranos