who was involved in the bear river massacre

. See Brigham D. Madsen, The Shoshoni Frontier and the Bear River Massacre (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1985), 19293. He sent the historian a photocopy and so opened a sporadic correspondence and telephone dialogue that would continue over the span of some eighteen months. This article originally appeared in the Fall 1999 issue of Utah Historical Quarterly and is reprinted by permission of the Utah State Historical Society. The Shoshone received nine bushels of wheat in three sacks. The Sand Creek Massacre (also known as the Chivington Massacre, the Battle of Sand Creek or the Massacre of Cheyenne Indians) was an incident in the Indian Wars that occurred on November 29, 1864, when a 800-man force of Colorado Territory militia attacked and destroyed a village of friendly Cheyenne and Arapaho encamped in southeastern Colorado Territory, killing and mutilating an estimated . The settlers also claimed the number of surviving women and children to be much fewer than what Connor claimed. [5] This mountain valley had attracted fur trappers such as Jim Bridger and Jedediah Smith, who visited the region. Most of this involved mainly gathering foodstuffs from surrounding Mormon settlements in a fashion similar to the incident listed above with the residents of Richmond, Utah. [citation needed]. This tribe helped the Pilgrims survive for their first Thanksgiving. [53], The sacks of grain carried by these Shoshone were later found by the 3rd California Volunteers during their advance the next day, apparently dropped by the Shoshone in their attempt to get back to their camp. Another Shoshone Chief Bear Hunter faced torture after soldiers captured him. [citation needed], Col. Connor met up with Hoyt that evening as well, with orders to begin moving at about 1:00am the next morning for a surprise attack, but an attempt to get a local settler to act as a scout for the immediate area led the actual advance to wait until 3:00am. He also contacted me. They brought blankets and hay to the church meetinghouse to protect the other soldiers from the cold. How a massacre of Algerians in Paris was covered up - BBC News The Battle of Bear River | National Postal Museum William Hull, the settler who was assisting the Shoshone, noted later: we had two of the three horses loaded, having put three bushels on each horsewhen I looked up and saw the Soldiers approaching from the south. This was the largest number of victims in any Indian massacre . Soquitch, Sagwitch's oldest son, served as a priesthood leader in the Washakie Ward for many years. Midst the roar of guns and sharp report of Pistols could be heard the cry for quarters but their was no quarters that day. The toll would almost certainly have Rebellion, 1861 . Robert Thornley, an English immigrant and first resident of Summit Creek, defended the young Indian and testified for him. Body counts vary widely in these histories, but typical numbers of Indian fatalities listed in traditional sources are Sand Creek, 150; Washita, 103; Marias River, 173; Camp Grant, 100128; and Wounded Knee, 150200.

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who was involved in the bear river massacre