who did takeru kusanagi marry

Takeru Kusanagi Takeru Kusanagi ( Kusanagi Takeru) is the main male protagonist of the series. Eventually, Yamato Takeru married and later fell in battle against a monster, after ignoring his wife's advice to take the sword with him. But is the sword of Kusanagi, its very existence, part of real-life history? After slaying Yamato no Orochi, the god Susano-o found this sword in one of the eight tails of the gigantic serpent. Celebrating his victory over the treacherous warlord and commemorating his narrow escape from death, Takeru changed the name of the sword from Sword of the Gathering Clouds of Heaven to Grass Cutting SwordThe Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi. The Search for Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi, the Lost Imperial Sword of Japan. So even if the sword is never seen any more, its influence on pop culture remains strong. The original sword was lost during the 1185 Naval Battle of Dan-no-ura () between the Minamoto and Taira clans, when it was thrown into the sea. While the Kusanagi sword is forbidden to be seen because of its divinity and is always kept in a box, the Crown Prince's sword is worn by the Crown Prince with the traditional costume sokutai at an official ceremony of the Imperial Household. Or is the supposed duplicate located in the Atsuta shrine not a duplicate at all? In another, it was the god who asked for the girls hand in marriage, a request which her father assented. She was so gone that she had to be carried home like a princess, in tears. The sword was fashioned in a white metallic color, and well maintained." It was originally called Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi ( , "Heavenly Sword of Gathering Clouds"), but its name was later changed to the more popular Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi ("Grass-Cutting Sword"). In the end, the captain 35th Platoon and the only remaining student council member struck a deal to clean up the mess Reima and Mephisto made in exchange for information to help them graduate, as well as learn the secrets that the Inquisition and Sougetsu kept from them. Haunted immediately gained Takeru's ire with the former's brutal arrival ceremony that tore Yoshimizu's body apart and this further amplified with Haunted's acts behind Mari's painful memories. Even when he caused trouble for others, the only ones he would behave in front of were his parents.

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