what is a characteristic of an effective debriefing session
-.028 Tc .3435 Tw /F2 1 Tf [(Bereavement debriefing sessions)]TJ -1.5597 -1.1111 TD f It is impor- tant that the person leading the session has training in group process and grief and loss to recognize potential compli- cations of grief or help foster healthy therapeutic relationships. When and how often you want to hold debriefings depends on the nature of your work. )59.9( )]TJ [(patient/family)73.9(. T* .1287 Tw endstream 8 0 0 8 475.0363 635.2578 Tm /GS2 gs -.0288 Tc 0 0 l [(patient? can elicit responses about)]TJ 0 0 0 1 K For each project, event, or topic youre debriefing on, create a meeting agenda template that you and your team can use as an outline and guide for debriefing meetings. T* T* ).1(H., Hutton, N., & Hall,)]TJ T* .4061 Tw 0 -1.1111 TD T* [(debriefing sessions\). [(interact with nurses on other units)]TJ T* ET 0000009048 00000 n 9 0 0 9 42 16.8862 Tm .3953 Tw -.0113 Tc <> BT [(professional integrity)74(. [(Interdisciplinar)-29.7(y inter)-29.7(v)24.8(entions to impro)14.9(v)24.8(e)]TJ 0 -114.84 l T* [(responders rather than responses to)]TJ T* [(Implications f)29.8(o)0(r best pr)9.9(actice)14.9(. .15 0 0 0 k [(cations of grief or help foster healthy)]TJ BT [(there was a death on a medical-surgical)]TJ Where did we hit (or miss) our objectives? -.0031 Tw BT T* T* [(were asked to rate how much partici-)]TJ .0278 Tw -.0001 Tc [(pediatr)-14.8(i)0(c house officers to a patient)49.8(s)]TJ -.0288 Tc 0 Tc 6.215 0 l /GS2 gs .0941 Tw Stay aligned on projects, drive progress and accountability, and improve collaboration. 8 0 0 8 36 169.3864 Tm T* [(Offering bereavement debriefing ses-)]TJ [(tinues to be controversy around the)]TJ 0 0 0 1 k [(\(Papadatou, 2002\). q 1 0 0 1 211 317.59 cm 0 0 m What have you expe-)]TJ -.0056 Tc .0315 Tw T* .0344 Tw .4127 Tw [(est. [(patient)55(s funeral, as well as discuss the)]TJ /F4 1 Tf What Should We Stop, Start or Change Next Time? )59.8( )]TJ Explain what was being studied (i.e., purpose, hypothesis, aim). .0277 Tw [()-994.5(R)0(e)29.8(v)-.1(ie)19.8(w pur)-29.6(pose of berea)19.8(v)24.8(e)0(ment debr)-14.7(iefing sessions )]TJ [(has training in group process and grief)]TJ 300.583 581.16 73.417 15.724 re [(\(3.1/5\) as opposed to non-participants)]TJ -9.407 -.017 -16.268 2.44 -15.344 12.072 c -.0267 Tc BT The second column is labeled Plus and includes descriptions of the positive or effective characteristics of the actions, and the third column lists opportunities for improvement of actions in the future (Delta for change). .0016 Tc -.0288 Tc [(tion of palliative care, the director of)]TJ .0286 Tw 3.883 -10.159 l T* .0842 Tw Its extremely important for the learnings to be accessible to you and your team so they can be referenced in the future. [(continued as an on-going inter)-11.9(ven-)]TJ -3.086 12.15 -1.082 12.15 1.161 12.15 c ET (Occurrences)Tj 1 0 0 0 K /GS2 gs Results: Introductions, rapport-building, and identifying intentions for behavior change were very positive features of the sessions.
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