vagisil cream turned orange

If symptoms do not improve within 7 days, consult your doctor. Vagistat suppositories and creams containing an antifungal called miconazole to treat. }, Intimate wipes, which can be used to clean the vaginal area after using public washrooms. Vagisil Cream works to create a barrier over delicate vaginal skin, protecting irritated skin from further discomfort. Vagisil could cover up yeast infection side effects. Vagisil Cream alleviates vaginal itching caused by a change in pH, antibiotics or even stress. 00206723: This medicine is a colorless, clear, liquid . Monistat may damage condoms or diaphragms, which could expose you to pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease (STDs). 0033883. Please try again or use a different postcode or place name. Please log in to your account to add products to your favourites. Forms a soothing, cooling barrier over irritated tissue. Further information 1. The following lifestyle tips promote vaginal health and may help to prevent yeast infections: There are some alternatives to Monistat and Vagisil for treating and alleviating the symptoms of a yeast infection. I had same reaction from this product because its scented and I missed that on the label when purchased, just one application gave the same results as above, have posted complaint on another site but cant find it. In terms of its use as a support product for menopausal women, Vagisil Cream probably isnt the right cream for those experiencing dryness. Please stay away from this treacherous product!!! Item No. I am now broken out again all over my lower abdomen and upper thighs, and about to jump in front of a bus, the vaginal itching is so intense. This medication is an azole antifungal. Ask your OB/GYN if it is safe for you to use Monistat. With that being said, secondly, if you would have read the information on the product it clearly states that you shouldnt use it and seek medical attention. Vagisil can worsen your condition If youre already experiencing redness, irritation, itching, or any other symptoms associated with yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis, using Vagisil will only worsen or aggravate your condition. Read More Read Less, Ladies avoid this product at all costs to your sacred area! For the most part, you have nothing to worry about. Occasionally, an insurance plan may cover the generic form of Monistat. Vagisil in Feminine Care - Order by 10pm (subject to change during promotions), available 7 days a week for 4.95. I used it to treat minor vulval itching.

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