thirsty urban dictionary
First recorded before 950; Middle English, Unabridged 2019-11-14T16:22:00Z Frazer Harrison/Getty . [7], "Gatsbying" is a variation of the thirst trap, where one puts posts on social media to attract the attention of a particular individual. When night came they found themselves far from any stream; all were thirsty and there was no water. Some of this slang enters the mainstream vernacularand by that point, is no longer coolor "sic." One of the only words in our lexicon that previously came close to thirsty was horny, and that word is considered taboo, and still doesn't convey the non-sexual, specifically targeted feeling that thirsty does. [19][20] The term alludes to the novel The Great Gatsby where the character Jay Gatsby would throw extravagant parties to attract the attention of his love interest, Daisy. Hunger, for instance, is described as a presence, a motivating fire in the belly, but thirst is derided as a girly lack. So I guess this reveals something important: Thirst trapping is a transparent endeavor. A thirsty person is constantly looking for a person to date. Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Random House, Inc. 2020Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition Olichel/Pixabay. "I'm so thirsty for my fitness instructor it's not even funny.") [5], Thirst trap culture was derived from selfie culture. Send us feedback about these examples. Basic - Boring, average, or unoriginal. [10][11] People can seek "likes" and comments on social media which can provide a temporary boost in self-esteem and validation. Figurative sense of "vehement desire" is attested from c. 1200. Promote your Instagram post on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Saying, "Hey, can I get X influential person's email, I know, I'm thirsty" can be a shortcut for asserting self-awareness. The rally-obsessed, Twitter-incontinent politician is thirsty. Example: YouTube video with 2M views: 17 Thirsty Athletes Caught Staring at Gorgeous Women (2015). Learn a new word every day. [29] Thirst traps are also prolific in the gay community. Sad Synonym, What is Wario dropping at the end of Super Mario Land 2 and why? This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! Whether or not your child is involved in any inappropriate or dangerous activities, you'll want to know what they're talking about and be attuned to any words that might indicate possible trouble. Bild Sport Twitter, Which was the first Sci-Fi story to predict obnoxious "robo calls"? Example: YouTube comment at this video "Damn that woman is thirsty. Something about it rankles. "Look at me!" is the most basic definition of another thirst It was first defined in Urban Dictionary in drink synonyms: drink Another word for drink. We need an all around thirst trap goddess. Eidur Gudjohnsen Dad, One ads tagline seemed to suggest any number of strange things: that drinking soda was like snorting cocaine, that the average Diet Coke drinker was prone to using sex to advance her career, maybe even that she was plainly desperate and needed to be reined in.
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