the north had all of the following advantages except:
The North had also had a larger army because there were more people in the North than in the South. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . (D) Antietam What advantages did the North have over the South Which battle was a turning point in the war for the Union because they gained control of the Mississippi River? Even before the war, the South lacked railroad investment. Which of the following was NOT a reason southern soldiers fought in the Civil War? They were not only more technologically advanced, but the weapons were of better quality. But the Confederacy had advantages, too. When the Civil War began, the Confederacy expected A. its armies to invade the North. 12. The North had all of the following advantages except: better generals money farms factories, what did the reconstructions acts passed in july 1867 accomplish quizlet, Why was the period following the Julio-Claudian dynasty referred to as the era of the Five Good Emperors? D. superior military leadership. B. Fredricksburg. The Confederacy would be fighting a defensive war, which is much easier than having to invade and conquer a territory, something the Union would have to do. All of these advantages point toward one conclusion at the start of the war; the US should win quickly and overwhelmingly, however that does not happen because most these advantages get turned upside down and made into disadvantages by the superior leadership of the South; Robert E. Lee and strong military traditions that exited in the Confederacy. He risked losing some of the border states if he did this. The North had all of the following advantages over the South EXCEPT: a. shipping c. railroads b. industry d. agriculture See answers Advertisement likableadvisers Answer: d. agriculture Explanation: officers than the North. Transcribed image text: WebExpert Answer. Webanswer choices it could control the movement of trade and goods it was a natural division to split the South it was an easier invasion route to the South than by land all of the above Question 3 60 seconds Q. 2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved. WebAll of the following were advantages the North held over the South EXCEPT: A. more experienced military leaders B. a larger population C. industrial development D. transportation resources E. naval strength This problem has been solved! Most northerns in the early 1800 were abolitionists who wanted equal rights for blacks, For some slaves the final destination of the Underground Railroad was canada, Some southern states made it illegal to teach salves to read and write, Proposed the Kansas-nebraska act with its affirmation of popular sovereignty, Ruled that the Missouri compromise was unconstitutional, Doctrine that settlers should decide the slavery issue for themselves, What escaped slave repeatedly returned to the south to help other slaves escape along the Underground Railroad, Which leading black abolitionist traveled and gave lectures against slavery, What novel published in 1852 helped create a great rift between the north and the south, Name a vocal abolitionist Who condemned slavery through the publication of a newspaper, Which Democrat when the 1856 presidential election, What new national political party opposing slavery was formed in the 1850s, What law was passed in 1854 to allow settlers in Western lands to decide for or against slavery for themselves, Who wrote an influential novel depicting the life of slaves, Which of the following does not describe the north in the mid-1800s, The 1854 act allowing settlers in western lands to decide for or against slavery for themselves what indirectly responsible for, Lincoln ordered the resupplying of fort Sumter, The confederacy chose extremist fire-eaters to lead its government, Lincoln carried no southern state in the 1860 election, Abraham Lincoln won the election of 1860 largely because the democrats vote was split between two candidates, Gave orders to prevent all efforts to resupply dirt sumter, Lost a senate election in Illinois after debating with Stephen Douglas, Led federal troops to harpers ferry and captured john brown, Statement of what a political party stands for on the various issues, Who became the president of the Confederacy, Which state was the first to leave the union, Who was chosen to be the vice President of the Confederacy, At the outset of the war the North had which one of the following advantages, All of the following work candidate in the 1860 presidential election except, At the beginning of the war the South had all of the following advantages except, The Confederates fired on Fort Sumter because, The state that was literally split into by the Civil War was, Which one of the following states was in North unable to keep in the union one more urupted, Storm Clouds Over a Nation: Unit 4 | Chapter, Social Studies American History: Reconstruction to the Present Guided Reading Workbook, Deborah Gray White, Edward L. Ayers, Jess F. de la Teja, Robert D. Schulzinger, America Pathways to the Present: Modern American History, Allan M. Winkler, Andrew Cayton, Elisabeth Israels Perry, Linda Reed.
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