tarrant county conservative voter guide 2021

Loving The top two vote-getters will head into a runoff typically if no one candidate gets the majority of the vote. A yes vote supported authorizing the Fort Worth Independent School District to issue up to $104,900,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund stadiums and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $0 per $100,000 in assessed value. Allison Campolo isnt so sure. Cass Hunt Incumbents are bolded and underlined. A "yes" vote supportedthis ballot initiative to: * establish minimum police staffing and require there to be at least two police officers for every 1,000 residents of Austin; * add an additional 40 hours of police training each year on topics such as active shooter scenarios, critical thinking, and defensive tactics; and. To help voters make informed decisions at the ballot box, we asked all four candidates for the Tarrant Regional Water Districts board of directors to respond to a candidate questionnaire intended to touch on the most pressing issues U.S. President | overflow: hidden; width: 90%; A yes vote supported authorizing the Fort Worth Independent School District to issue up to $1,211,000,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund the development of school buildings and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $0 per $100,000 in assessed value. width: 350px; Notifications can be turned off anytime in the browser settings. Denton Lavaca Sabine A "no" vote opposed amending the city charter to allow the city to issue bonds for public purposes and improvements not prohibited by the Texas Constitution or general laws, thereby maintaining the existing requirement that bonds be used to construct, acquire, equip, renovate, improve and repair public works. Clay Municipal and ISD elections take place in Tarrant County on Saturday, May 1, 2021. max-width: 600px; Jeff Davis width: 35px !important; The current members of the U.S. Senate from Texas are: To view a map of U.S. House districts in Texas and find your representative, click here. Southside Independent School District, Texas, Proposition A, Bond Issue (November 2021): . There are currently no opportunities for public comment at the upcoming Election Commission meeting, according to an agenda posted Friday, April 21. I think you would find that Ive been nothing but respectful and encouraging to our county employees.. Hutchinson $17 trillion has been spent nationally on their services since they were first Click the links below to read our write-up about why we recommend voting the way we do for each race:Lone Star College System Lone Star College System Board of Trustees, district 9 (Tomball, Harris County) - Dom Bongiorni (The Woodlands, Texas) In the Senate District 4 special election runoff, the Texas Patriots PAC recommends Brandon Creighton. display: inline-block; Llano Its the busiest city election so far. Sherry McCullouch(Unofficially withdrew) and incumbent Leonard Hornsby advanced to a runoff. Heres our advice, There are lots of races and candidates, but not all will be on your ballot. Tarrant County OHare, a Republican, has shown an interest in county elections since he began campaigning for County Judge. position: absolute; Counties also often share sample ballots online ahead of elections to allow voters to see their options. Armstrong Elections across the country, including in Tarrant County, underwent forensic audits following the 2020 election.

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tarrant county conservative voter guide 2021