sims 4 slice of life menstrual cycle

There is also detailed guides to show you how to install it properly. Simply open Wonderful Settings -> Pregnancy Settings -> Birth Control Settings -> Birth Control Accuracy and set it to Perfect Mode. Slice of Life got an update! Nevertheless, its worth to check every single one out! These memories will fade with time. The Menstrual cycle mod in Sims 4 Slice of Life adds in a realistic monthly cycle for female Sims. During that Period they will experience a set of hormonal moodlets and the need to use pads or tampons to avoid staining their underwear and clothes with menstrual blood. Slice of Life/WickedWhims help : r/Sims4 - Reddit Not only do you have the opportunity to play with all new content, but the game can also be completely modded. This mod makes it better by changing some of the terms used when your sims are feeling a stronger emotion. You can adjust the pregnancy chances with the Player Sims Pregnancy Chance and NPC Sims Pregnancy Chance settings. They will have to change pads every few hours and have mood swings. For more information, please see our This mod adds a ton of new interactions and is a total game changer for any sims player. It also shows animation when your sim is sick and wants attention. If your Sim is experiencing a heavy flow, the blood will stain her clothes and underwear. Thank you to PhaseLotA for creating the menstrual cycle icons. This mod will bring you plenty of new items, including pregnancy tests and condoms for your sims to use. 1 Tiny Details. They will also have the same outcomes: a healthy baby! Condoms are available for both male and female Sims. The cycles are randomized and can be taken care of through using the toilet or by clicking on the sim. However, in contrast to the other mods, its not very detailed. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. They will also experience cramps and food cravings during their period. What about blood ? The pills work by interrupting a womans menstrual cycle. Slice of Life is a Kawaiistacie mod that aims to add more realism to the game! This mod adds a basic menstrual cycle to the women in your game. Anyway, thats not the point. To download this mod you are going to want to go head over to Kawaii Stacies Website where youll see all of the features of this mod explained by the creator and if you scroll down there will be an instal link down toward the bottom of the page for both PC and Mac users. This mod adds a few new woohoo types for your sims to enjoy. When you don't have to hold a baby that is. From The Sims 2 to the Sims 4, weve got you covered! The Slice of Life mod gives Sims more WooHoo options than the typical ones in the base game. The Menstrual Cycle is the regular natural change that occurs in the female reproductive system that makes pregnancy possible. It really is the small things in this mod that make everything better and make the game feel more real. Dont forget to share your experience with these mods down in the comments! If you want to support her and her mod creations you should definitely do so by signing up to support her on patreon. And then comes nothing, as the Luteal Phase takes its time preparing another potential bloody disaster by thickening the lining of Sim uterus. With this mod, theyll also have access to pads and tampons that theyll need to use. If you dont do these treatments or if your sim has poor hygiene you will definitely get acne and will get some negative moodlets when your sims have acne. Check out our post on custom foods for the Sims 4! Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. Stay tuned! There are tons of other great features that this mod offers. All this information and complex mechanics can be difficult to keep track of.

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sims 4 slice of life menstrual cycle