sims 4 high school graduation mod

Most Used Mods for Sims 4 High School Years - EnglishSimmer CC This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Electronic Arts, or its licencors. Sims can now graduate from high school! All requirements completed and performance meter maxed. A new daily task, Research Teaching Methods, will boost a Sim's work performance, as will new Work from Home assignments such as answering emails, writing reports, and attending meetings. After canceling the interaction, Sims can be withdrawn from boarding school via the social menu, after which they can attend regular public school, or enroll in another specialty school. You NEED These Mods to Fix High School Years and Wants & Fears // The Sims 4: Mod Review. HIGHSCHOOL GRAD, PROM, BOARDING SCHOOL, SUMMER BREAK, FEILD - YouTube If youd like to join me on Patreon click here or consider a donation to the right of your screen. So you click on them and nothing happens. Sims with Silver or up unlocks an interaction to Tell Graduation Story. Whew, what a relief for our non-studious kid sims. (April 26th, 2023). These cheats allow you to add/remove certain Sentiments attached to your character that were introduced in this latest expansion pack. After your sim passes all their classes, they can graduate! Sims with high grades might graduate with honors or become their class Valedictorian. The main structure of the cheat you'll use for all of them is as follows: modifyrelationship firstname lastname firstname lastname 100 sentimenttrack_. You NEED These Mods to Fix High School Years and - Simmerena's CC Finds Boarding school students can still call and text other Sims, but being away for so long can make some Sims homesick; when this happens, their guardians will receive a notification asking whether they want to withdraw the homesick child from boarding school. Email is If your Sim has enrolled in the university, or they just earned all credits and are waiting for the rabbit hole ceremony, you can plan your Sims 4 Graduation on the calendar or under their Phone Plan Social Event. The Ultimate Romance Mods for The Sims 4 (2022 Update! image: { Regarding the elementary school, you can create school lots or download the ones available in the gallery. Browse this packs content and get inspired by more fashion, furniture, hairstyles, and dcor. In the middle of the event, graduates will throw their caps into the air and graduate! Thus, we hope that with these mods that we handpicked for you, you will be able to give the best adventures for your sims who are in their teens or are completing their school milestones. Click on any of the links below to automatically scroll to that section of this guide: This cheat allows you to promote or demote your Sim in the Simsfluencer career path. Goody Two Shoes, Emotional Conduit, Walking Punchline, and Frenzied Rebel are just some of the available trait packs in this mod, which will surely provide you entertainment when it comes to handling your teens. They will have a green moodlet with the description Graduated University. At last, Sims with Gold Level or up unlocks a reward trait. Preschool lasts about 8 hours every weekday, and while they're away, they'll have their needs met and even learn new skills and character values. In The Sims 4, mods tend to enhance pre-existing gameplay elements. While the game whisks toddlers to daycare automatically when Sims leave the lot, enrolling in Preschool requires clicking on the toddler you want to enroll and doing so manually.

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