percent water in a hydrate pre lab

(Hint: Have you soon this compound before? 5. 2.09 x 100 = 20.9%. 2. Mass of the anhydrous (without water) Copper(II) sulfate. However, it turns out that you are both right; it just depends on the copper sulfate. 8. (1.803 - 1.426)/1.803 = 2.09. Note that the dot in the What is your percent error? . c. The ionic compound was found to be calcium nitrate. known as the anhydrous salt. GCC CHM 090 GCC, 2006 1 of 2 Names: _____ Lab Exercise: Percent Water in a Hydrate Introduction: A hydrate is a crystalline solid that traps water as part of its crystal structure. (Show work.) When hydrates are heated, the water is released as water vapor. This water can be driven off by heat to form the anhydrous (dehydrated) ionic compound, magnesium sulfate. Give the chemical formulas for the following two hydrates. Mass of empty 2 H2O _______________g (#2 - #1), 4. 3. PROCEDURE What is a hydrate? Ionic compounds are those that are binary compounds containing a metal and a The mass of water in the hydrate is the coefficient (6) multiplied by the molar mass of \(\ce{H_2O}\). You must watch this video, read over all SDS for the chemicals you will use, and answer all pre-lab questions before you will be allowed to finish this lab.For digital copies of SDS go to the Flinn Scientific SDS Database: - Introduction0:41 - Hydrates3:11 - Lab Equipment4:30 - Lab Safety5:39 - Doing the Lab6:42 - Heating the Sample11:01 - After Cooling12:00 - Mass Calculations 2. While this is heating, record any observation about the hydrate on the data sheet. The purpose of this experiment is to determine how much if any water is present in the unknown crystals. one in which a fixed number of water molecules is crystallized with each formula unit. Using your data and your calculations, determine the mass of the water that was in (Show work for credit.) 1. In another experiment, the mass of a hydrate was found to be 2.7090 grams. From your experimental data, what is the percentage of water in your hydrate? The greater the temperature difference between two temperature reservoirs, the more ________ can be done.

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percent water in a hydrate pre lab