milk house stalingrad

Despite daily artillery and mortar shelling, life continued on the bridgehead. at Stalingrad Catherine Merridale notes that, seemingly paradoxically, "their response was frequently relief. Soviet forces reached the entrance to the German headquarters in the ruined GUM department store. The operating room was in the sewer pipe in the slope of the steep bank of the Volga, near the headquarters of the division near the mouth of the Dolgiy ravine . Many members of the house's garrison were killed and wounded whilst assaulting the German held "Milk House" on 26 November.[3]. The preparations for the attack could be heard by the Romanians, who continued to push for reinforcements, only to be refused again. Army Group Don was formed under Field Marshal von Manstein. [198], The reverse was the case on the Soviet side. Alexandrov, N.Ya. Starting 23 October 1942, Romanian pilots flew a total of 4,000 sorties, during which they destroyed 61 Soviet aircraft. [121] The operation was code-named "Uranus" and launched in conjunction with Operation Mars, which was directed at Army Group Center about 1,000 kilometres (620mi) to the northwest. [72][73][74][75] The Germans pushing forward into Stalingrad suffered heavy casualties. Guardsmen of the 3rd battalion of the 42nd Guards Rifle Regiment from under junior lieutenant N.E. Stalin rushed all available troops to the east bank of the Volga, some from as far away as Siberia. He was lucky to survive the night battle on October 1, for which he was awarded the second class Order of the Red Star. It was also reported that some of the German soldiers were dressed in a Red Army uniform. [5][4] After several days, reinforcements and resupply arrived for Pavlov's men, bringing the unit up to a 25-man understrength platoon and equipping the defenders with machine guns, anti-tank rifles, and mortars. Zabolotny, digging a trench through Solnechnaya Street, managed to occupy the ruins of a four-story building, which in future will be designated as "Zabolotnys House." Nevertheless, all the other components of the future legend were already in place, and this point was later corrected. The front line of the defense is under constant artillery fire. In addition, from the sector of the 34th Guards Rifle Regiment to the Volga, two deep ravines emerged - the Dolgiy and Krutoy, literally cutting off the 13th Guards Rifle Division from the 284th Rifle Division of Colonel NF. However, according to Adam, "On not one single day have the minimal essential number of tons of supplies been flown in. For several days the Germans managed to secure themselves: in the ruins not only machine guns were equipped, but also positions of small-caliber guns, and along the walls barbed wire was strung. The 51st Army Corps' 295th Infantry Division went after the Mamayev Kurgan hill, the 71st attacked the central rail station and toward the central landing stage on the Volga, while 48th Panzer Corps attacked south of the Tsaritsa River. The situation was so critical that on the night of September 22-23, the commander-in-chief Major-General A.I. Though initially successful, the German attacks stalled in the face of Soviet reinforcements brought in from across the Volga. In the post-war memories of Zhukov everything looks somewhat different. The shore of the Volga in the warehouse area and the building of a butter milling plant.

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