leith hill circular walk

The track that you're walking along here leaves the woods and slopes further downhill - on the left there is a magnificent view over Dorking and Box Hill and if you look hard left one can see the spire of St Barnabas Church on Ranmore Common. Alight Holmbury St Mary, 2.5 miles (4km). Follow this track which bends right and heads uphill. On a clear day, look for the Sussex Weald, the South Downs, the English Channel and St Paul's Cathedral in London. background: #D6D6D6; Dorking station is 5.5 miles (8.9km) away. There's miles of nice woodland trails, ponds, streams and great views from the many viewpoints on the expansive common. Half way up you will find yourself in the distinctive Depression, a prominent landmark from around the Castle Hill BasinGreat views all round, The following trails overlap with this run to some degree. Leith Hill and the surrounding area is owned and managed by the National Trust. } Stay safe on the mountains with detailed weather forecasts - for iOS devices or for Android devices. HILLSIDE ICF (PART 1) | ICF HOME | EXTERIOR WALK Down the lane to its left, the lake at Hascombe with its church and cottages is a sight not to be missed. The first leg of the walk takes you to Hambledon Church and passes The White Horse pub. If you are coming by public transport you could catch the train from London Waterloo to Ockley Station, about 2 miles south east of the hill. Coppicing is when the young stems of a tree are cut to ground level on a cycle, such as every 57 years. All the runs that are on your To Do list (no limit). The trail is in two parts, an easy bit and a more challenging section. -o-transform: scale(1.05,1.05); #lcsp_wrapper_805408139 .owl-nav { The route passes a number of water features including several ponds, a stream and some man-made cascades. They are under threat from the robust Spanish bluebell which is more upright, paler blue and lacks scent. You can also drive to the site if you are not going by train as there is a National Trust owned car park. The Downs tumble towards to the pretty village of Westcott with beautiful views in all directions. /*nav related*/ Discover the history of Leith Hill Place in the Surrey Hills. In terms of safety, you're tucked away in nature for almost the entirety, with only a couple of quiet lanes exposing you to civilisation. This walk is the start of the North Downs Way and begins in Farnham. A 2-mile walk on Abinger Roughs that takes in some of the history from the Stone Age to Charles Darwin as well as the wildlife that currently calls the Roughs home.

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