leicester royal infirmary eye casualty opening times

One year in an eye casualty clinic. - British Journal of Ophthalmology We're one team with shared values providing the best care possible. Leicester Royal Infirmary 9 years ago. endobj GPS Coordinates Kulu-Glasgow I, Delnoij D, de Bakker D . Wakai A, Lawrenson JG, Lawrenson AL, Wang Y, Brown MD, Quirke M, Ghandour O, McCormick R, Walsh CD, Amayem A, Lang E, Harrison N. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Br J Ophthalmol 1987; 71: 938942. - we'll pass your stories to the people in health and social care who can make a difference. The service will run between 08:30 to 16:00 except weekends and bank holidays. We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely apologise for any recent issues you have experienced and to reassure you that we have made some developments to improve the way we deliver our service to patients. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Function of an ophthalmic accident and emergency department: results of a six month survey. A week went by and no appointment had been received so I tried ringing the eye dept for an update, on 0300-3031563, which is the number given on a previous appointment letter, I was told they no longer deal with appointment enquiries 'ring 0116-2585930', this number was constantly giving out a pre recorded message to the effect 'Office hours are 0830 to 1230 and 1330 to 1630, You cannot leave messages on this number please call back later' I took this to mean there was someone there but they were away from the desk or they did not want to answer the phone. In addition to this we provide an eye emergency service and 24-hour on-call ophthalmic specialists. The Eye Emergency Department is based in Newcastle Eye Centre at the Royal Victoria Infirmary and treats people with urgent eye conditions or injuries. Please note: we may change the urgency of the referral once it is assessed by our clinician. If you cannot get through on the phone and have any further concerns, please email Lead Nurse for Specialist Surgery, Kerry.Pape@uhl-tr.nhs.uk Kind regards Communications Team Leicesters Hospitals. To obtain If referring to LOTS telephone/video triage service, please provide the patient with the above telephone number and the times of availability as above.

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leicester royal infirmary eye casualty opening times