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Donny O'Malley - IMDb Also said O'Malley tried to throw him and . The company, described as a ragtag team of aspiring filmmakers, launched the OTT platform on June 23, 2017. And what does the community do? And some of em are Oliver Stone, whos super antiwar. My goal is to develop the ability to continue playing that character in a manner that transgender people who have felt that pain [of discrimination] can appreciate, he says. So many people idolize these entertainers so let's put some veterans there who can do it. He's an intellectual and he was giving me all these reasons why the Marine Corps was not going to be good for me and how it was going to restrain me. There are 60 million ways to volunteer your time to better your community. I knew there was a Marine Corps officer there though and I wanted to see the veteran side of that officer. Yeah, that's a fuckin' joke.". What was the hardest part of Officer Candidate School (OCS)? They were dealing with mental issues and their reaction was to fucking kill everyone else. He fought me hard to convince me to not join. That makes civilians think that we are high and mighty entitled pieces of shit. Directors Braden Smith (2017) Donny O'Malley (co-director) Writers Brian Murphy Donny O'Malley (2017) Braden Smith (2017) Stars Paula Lauzon Donny O'Malley See production, box office & company info Donny O'Malley BTW - I should be an award winning actor for my 6 year performance in the play, "Marine Corps," which has been running since 1775. . DO: It's really hard to identify my most memorable experience post-service. I grew up in San Antonio (Military City USA) and I'm very proud of my service to the United States Army. It was cool being one of the oldest guys in my platoon. He had his hands up! 14 of Donny O'Malley Podcasts Interviews | Updated Daily - OwlTail I was going to enlist but my dad convinced me to wait. I'd be that direct and blunt. A veteran who is dealing with mental issues and is on the same brink as those others, their reaction is to kill themselves. I'm even more proud that I was in an infantry unit. In Afghanistan, we knew we were pulling out but officers were still sending their men on these intensely dangerous missions that had no point. That and, I say this half-jokingly, but getting Christians to step up their fucking recruiting game. It's my nature to include everyone in what I'm doing and try to take care of others. After that happened it was like, "Nah, fuck this place." Then I slept it off and I was fine the next day (laughs). How do I know this? Nothing. If you're raising awareness to cure a disease that money goes to researchers so in a very real way that awareness helps. Instead of reading about some fucking piece of shit, no-name loser in Enquirer is doing with their lives, who was in one good movie I want to read about what Mat Best, JT, Rocco, Drew Hernandez (A Combat Veteran), and Rudy Reyes are doing. Why is the Marine Corps the best from your viewpoint? You truly dont understand the Marine Corps unless youve been a part of it. Busting a lieutenant's balls, getting my balls busted by staff sergeants, and just being around all the joking. Thats why media effectively kills many of our campaigns. If Vet Tv tended to everybody, it wouldnt be Vet Tv it would be TV, says Zachery Laning, a digital media producer and Marine vet. Fucking singers and rappers are idolized. It's their last chance to have their names put on an operation so they're sending us out into fucking minefields. I'm already thinking these jokes I tell in my head. I was with 2nd Battallion, 5th Marines. They'd be trampled by the rest of the fucking platoon (laughs). Truthfully, there are two parts. You believed me, didn't you? It happens in every city, almost every fucking day, everywhere in the country.

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