how many gallons of margarita for 30 people
Jeff, your recipe is perfect. Cheers. If I reduced the tequila to 5 cups, would you recommend replacing the missing cup of tequila with the other ingredients or just leave it out and run with it? I am a margarita snob so those would not do! sounds great!! I made your Gallon of Margaritas for our taco bar party last weekend. How long kind I refridgerate the leftovers without it spoiling. I used Jeffreys gallon recipe for a friends birthday celebration and the margaritas were quite a hit! 2) Do you ever use agave nectar, and if so, would you just replace the amount of simple syrup? Hi Jeffrey Sounds great! At a party with 35 guests, we were out of margaritas in half an hour, and everyone wanted the recipe. 1 light agave simple syrup. I simply dont have time to do this. . and of course we have to use top shelf on everything because we are MARGARITA QUEENS. I used El Tesoro reposado for the tequila (after many bad experiences, I refuse to use gold tequila), Cointreau for the triple-sec (I made a half batch as a test and was not impressed with generic triple-sec), 6 cups lime and lemon juice (18 limes, 9 lemons), and 2 cups simple syrup. Hey there! It makes all the difference here. Adjust sweetness to taste. Pour margarita into serving glass, garnishing with basil sprig. I thought youd be interested in the results of an experiment I tried. I am assuming I will need to add some water to the mixture as it will not be served over ice. 1 lime juice I made these for a party 3 years ago and people still talk about them til this day! You can garish with a few more pieces of fruit. Heat over medium heat until boiling. Well heres a really solid recipe that we use at all our bars, and that I use at home! . Recipes typically refer to amounts by 'parts'. Note to readers: 1$ for 2 limes HELL NO! Kinda gives my Margaritas (Tex-ican Martinis) a little extra sunshine! Its summer here in Oregon, which means barbecues, camping trips and river floats are on the agenda for the next few months. Hi there, Some people spring for Grand Marnier. Make sure all of your ingredients are ice cold (except for the frozen concentrate--you want to let it thaw just a little). Would you adjust the recipe at all? I see a lot of people are struggling to squeeze their own citrus. 3. I do not understand all the above bad raps on gold tequilas. Note: These estimates are for alcoholic beverages. Could I just serve this mix without ice, as long as its really cold? Best recipe out there. I have a margarita machine that holds 5 gallons. Always roll your limes on the counter first. No. Can I squeeze the lime and lemons the day before and store em in the fridge?
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