how long do bourbon red turkeys live

Broad Breasted White Turkeys (the standard commercial turkey) reach butchering weight in 16 weeks. 10 Turkey Breeds For Raising Your Own Meat - Family Farm Livestock New to group need help gendering my golden 300 ducklings! About Slate Turkeys: Heritage and Endangered Meat Producers, About Beltsville Small White Turkeys: Perfect For Small Scale Meat Production, The 3 Stages to Successfully Raising Turkeys on Pasture, 9 Reasons Why Raising Turkeys Might Not Be Right For Some Homesteaders, The Benefits and Concerns of Raising Turkey Poults with Chickens, The Shortcuts to Raising Turkeys for Profit, Beginners Guide to Raising Turkey From Poults in Your Backyard, Bronze Turkey: The Domesticated Wild Turkey. Yes, Bourbon Red Turkeys are known for their excellent meat quality and are popular for use in gourmet cooking. Females top out around 18, remaining sleek with slight muscle. PLEASE NOTE: We are unable to ship turkeys to Alaska. Quick Facts About Bourbon Red Turkeys What is the Bourbon Red turkey used for? Turkey starter feed, 28% protein. Heritage breeds will take 24 weeks or more and have a less meaty carcass, but more flavor. Vaccinate them. (function () { I've heard the heritage breeds can live 15 years never had one last that more than a year most of them get killed by a coyote or bobcat. Turkeys need access to shade and shelter from extreme weather conditions such as heat, cold, wind, and rain. Bourbon Red Turkeys can live up to 10 years in ideal conditions. The average lifespan of a domesticated heritage Bourbon Red Turkey is around 10 years. Clean, fresh water should always be available to the turkeys. Breeding Bourbon Red Turkeys requires careful planning and consideration to ensure success. Bourbon Red Turkey - Heritage Turkey Poults | Cackle Hatchery [11], The Bourbon Red was bred in the Bluegrass Region of Kentucky in the late nineteenth century. will they reproduce naturally? The chicks are born covered in down and are able to walk and feed themselves within a few hours. What is the incubation period for Bourbon Red Turkey eggs? Heritage turkeys can be differentiated from other domestic turkeys in that they are biologically capable of being raised in a manner that more closely matches the natural behavior and life cycle of wild turkeys. They have a lifespan of around 7-10 years, which means they are a long-lived breed. The price of a Bourbon Red Turkey can vary depending on the breeder and the location, but they typically range from $50 to $100. While the moniker of heritage turkey is not a government-regulated label like organic foods, it does have a precise definition.

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how long do bourbon red turkeys live