halspan optima fd30 global assessment

4 0 obj %PDF-1.5 endobj When doors are fire tested, the position of the hinges is carefully noted and the fire test assessment will only cover a certain range of hinge positions based on those test positions. <> <> %PDF-1.7 We also discuss the concept of adjusted door weight, the impact of adding door closers, excessive width door leaves and the impact that this has on hinge specification. Another common door leaf is the Halspan Optima 30, where BM Trada's Fire Assessment stipulates; Top hinge: 100 - 180mm from the head of the door to top of hinge Bottom hinge: 150 - 250mm from the foot of the door to bottom of hinge Middle hinge: Centrally between top and bottom hinges OR min 200mm from top hinge There are acceptable parameters either side of these dimensions, but if you are wanting to fit say a 125mm high hinge, you should check first if this size is covered under the doors fire test. Choose from a wide range of compliant door configurations, based on comprehensive test and scope data, and enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that the door system products you specify are and will remain fit for purpose throughout their service life. Choose from a range of acoustic, fire and smoke, and threshold seals designed to meet specific performance requirements. Where a door is particularly tall (typically 2400mm high or more) you may be required to add a fourth hinge. We will be talking in relation to FD30 fire doors in this article that is doors that are designed to restrict the spread of fire for a minimum of 30 minutes. Welcome to the Halspan accreditation hub. ' Specifically designed for the purpose, using a combination of chemical and engineering development, these blanks produce doors of altogether excellent quality, strength and overall performance. Specifically designed for the purpose, using a combination of chemical and engineering development, these blanks produce doors of altogether excellent quality, strength and overall performance. D'J{8!$~tXpIzv,^ZYQ{>2d @l-|1 rnr$Ww{7X ov-Of4xfgy{Qw-=;g4q7G>L)9y:P>`'T^'a==r If these markings arent clearly displayed on the hinge leaf, its very likely not suitable to be used on a fire door check with the hinge supplier! We recommend that you initially fit the hinge with a slightly smaller gauge Reisser (or similar) screw, afterwards swapping these out for the correct Stainless Steel hinge once the install is completed. OOO~ZT:;:p'%u_8=;Ru".wk9a!wZtx$/!nHnKo{vc^|6~g[ xc.V\sXrlV i.N#`I2Zg55&}kTqS. Therefore its important to check the fire test data for the door before installing any hinges.

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halspan optima fd30 global assessment