glastenbury mountain curse

Most historians doubt that Wildman McDowell could be responsible for the disappearances. Not a single passenger had any idea what might have happened to him in the time between the last stop and the bus pulling up in Bennington. We recommend that you check out this road trip to, A Short But Beautiful Hike, Hilltop Loop Leads To A Little-Known Waterfall In Vermont, Few People Know Theres A Cave Hidden Along The Freedley Quarry Via Trail 6 In Vermont, Take This Vermont Partially Paved Loop Trail Through A Forest For A Peaceful Adventure, The 9 Best Foliage Hikes In Vermont With Sweeping Views, We Just Planned Your Year Of Vermont Hikes And Youll Love Them All, 9 Short And Sweet Fall Hikes In Vermont With A Spectacular End View, Take A Scenic Trail To A Vermont Overlook Thats Like The Scene In A Movie, Take A Hike To A Vermont Overlook Thats Like The Opening Scene Of A Movie. They believed that the whole mountain was cursed land because the "four winds" met there in an eternal struggle. What You Need To Know About The Mysterious Bennington Triangle Disappearances. Shortly after, in 1945, people began disappearing from around Glastenbury with such frequency that the area was dubbed the "Bennington Triangle" by writer and Vermont native Joseph A. Citro. However, since the summit is completely forested, and there are no other rocks on the mountaintop, theres no rational explanation for how or why the rocks are there. Rumors spread that the killer had gone to live in the mountains and became a hairy deranged Wildman. The Mystery of the Bennington Triangle | by Heather Sutfin - Medium Check Out Haywire Willy's YouTube Channel! Others have suggested the missing people may have been killed by a mountain cat. Until as recently as 1947, some Maine folks in the Saco-Biddeford area would hesitate to go near the waters of the Saco until they were certain that three people had drowned there that season. Glastenbury Mountain is a mountain located in Bennington County, Vermont, in the Green Mountain National Forest. Some visitors to the region have also reported experiencing unusual confusion or dizziness.

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