eso spell pen cap pvp
For example, if youre suffering spell penetration of 7k, you still get the full 50% reduction (because your 40k minus 7k penetration still equals 33k). You need to ask yourself questions and then do problems to answer those questions. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. I don't know what it is but I've seen several threads referring to a soft cap for penetration. Why in your example, is the value divided by 66 * 10 if your level is 50? I learned a useful tactic while in the Army and that's called bounding. So give it a chance and next time broaden your internet searches. Even in vma though there are only a handful of bosses that sit at 18.5k resistance. If you focus on pen too much more than that then you suffer against shielded aponents imo. You can read the latest patch notes here: What's the recommended/most efficient amount to have? This was because the light passives gave pen and the medium ones weapon damage. I usually stop around 18K on most of my builds (I dont play tanks, but I do a lot of solo builds). How to PvP in ESO Guide and Tips - All Classes - Deltia's Gaming The use of going over the cap is only for when you are hit with something which reduces your Armor / Spell Resistance and you can still maintain 50% mitigation. You can read the latest patch notes here: I took a break from the game back before Xmas, and when I came back weapons are now all Infused/Nirnhoned. Tried googling found alot of info but old threads so not sure if it's accurate. That cannot be changed. My playingstyle is quite aggresive and i run sharpened off hand, 5pc divine and lover. All of the information youve posted is correct. Thanks for your help! Khajiit may offer better burst potential, but the Dark Elf gives better consistent damage throughout fights without having to depend on critical hits. Unless theres been testing which verifies an increase and its been changed on the sly, its still 33k. I do not know how or if the calculations changed with the implementation of the Champion point system. If your penetration is too low, youll be dealing less damage than your teammates. It has massive range damage but is predictable and easy to counter. For example, if you're suffering spell penetration of 7k, you still get the full 50% reduction (because your 40k minus . new meta PVP : 50k health REALLY ? Elder Scrolls Online All the things you pay for are convenience items or cosmetic. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Even as a resto Shaman you still want the 4% hit in PvP though because missing that Hex can be really devastating when you're counting on it. Focus on foreplay. Arcanist Gameplay, Combo System and More!
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