environmental impacts of stratford regeneration

If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! Have all your study materials in one place. Gentrification: the process of regenerating an area (often a poor area) to allow wealthier people to move in. Your homework is to revise. During the 19th century, London's port was one of the busiest in the world, but by the end of the 1950s it was in significant decline with many of the docks derelict and abandoned. These conflicts can be interpersonal, intragroup and or/intergroup in nature. 1 - Urban renewal shown by new and old buildings together. Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. Add up the overall scores for each of the The launch of the podcast marked Westfields Student Event Week which gaves young people exclusive discounts and offers at Westfield London and Westfield Stratford City, Charity registration number: 1160948Company registration number: 9483822. The Olympic Site was built on 560 acres of brownfield land. In order to balance the argument for regeneration it will be necessary to substantiate these different viewpoints and provide a fair consideration from all stakeholders who would be involved and affected by developments. The key is urban regeneration. Many towns and cities were seen to be re-investing in the rich cultural heritage of the past, and complementing this with contemporary art projects and exhibitions. . Hill, D. (2015) Whats happened to affordable housing on Londons Olympic Park?, The Guardian [Online]. (city or town) There are still high levels of unemployment in the borough and it was a missed opportunity to train people up for work. Times and timers, the 2012 games regenerate the Stratford The areas hosting the Olympics like Stratford and nearby Tower Hamlets were in dire need of regeneration as they had; . Are You Mad? An intergroup conflict occurs between societal groups. This can happen for a few reasons: The influx of a new type of consumer with different demands. Available at: https://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20080107221051/http://www.london2012.com/documents/candidate-files/theme-1-olympic-games-concept-and-legacy.pdf (Accessed: 19 November 2019), MHCLG (2011) Social housing lettings. Mini-starter: What do you think urban regeneration means? Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.546-569, Burrows, T. (2017) 'Legacy, what legacy? the billions of pounds out of Create flashcards in notes completely automatically. Docklands Decline - GCSE Geography B Edexcel Revision - Study Rocket Lets say that there is a small business on a high street that sells groceries. The centre has been a catalyst for the regeneration of the Stratford area, bringing around a million shoppers every week, as well as jobs, tourism and investment to the local community. Many were also employed for a short-term basis and were poorly paid which did not help them develop skills as promised within the LAP and SRF.

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environmental impacts of stratford regeneration