edge prompts for credentials on intranet

Does any one know how I can do auto-login for Edge websites? All other browsers, including Firefox, chrome, yandex, and opera fully work and prompt for username and password. Choose the account you want to sign in with. Don't know what they changed. With Solution 1 the only option IIS provides with challenge is NTLM. https://learn.microsoft.com/fi-fi/deployedge/microsoft-edge-security-identity. Integrated Windows authentication in Microsoft Edge The retired, out-of-support Internet Explorer 11 desktop application has been permanently disabled through a Microsoft Edge update on certain versions of Windows 10. If the website of interest is in that list delete it. So, we have thousands of workstations that use a generic user and are always logged in, more like kiosk workstations. Add all of your local intranet sites here (if you do not use https, unselect enforcing that on this screen [no screenshot provided of this menu]) Click Ok twice. In this series, we call out current holidays and give you the chance to earn the monthly SpiceQuest badge! Either of these solutions should fix your issue and you should be able to login using Edge/Internet Explorer. Microsoft Edge enables localhost for the internet app container only. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/apps_windows_10-msedge/edge-message-server-asking-for-username-and/32e06d1f-7462-4b1a-8eef-33e5581542b5. So, we have thousands of workstations that use a generic user and are always logged in, more like kiosk workstations. If the computer name portion of the requested URL contains periods (such as http://www.microsoft.com and, Internet Explorer assumes that the requested address exists on the Internet. a. b. Old Blog site | Twitter: Based on your description, when you open SharePoint site on Edge, it keeps asking for password. The first time a user opens edge under their account they are met with a credentials prompt to access this intranet page. In Firefox however it worked with this settings (about:config):network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris, With Chrome I had success doing the following:Chrome.exe auth-server-whitelist="[SERVER_NAME]" auth-negotiate-delegatewhitelist="[SERVER_NAME]" auth-schemes="digest,ntlm,negotiate", -> Will promt for credentials anyway but then works. And from what I hear it will never be either, as such I recommend use IE or Chrome for your main browser. Integrated Authorization for Intranet Sites - Microsoft Community Hub These workstations are setup to always stay on, so users could go to any workstation, launch a browser and use it and walk away. We configured the following GPO to get credentials passing through to the required page: Microsoft Edge\HTTP Authentication\Specifies a list of servers that Microsoft Edge can delegate user credentials to. Now I can open the website in Chrome and Edge without being prompted for a username/password. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Or is this is a bug? Where is the option to have users to prompt for username and password on intranet sites? On the Preferences tab, click Authentication, click to select the Basic check box, and then click OK three times.Notes. Any of the requested objects embedded in the file or Web page (for example, images). To do this, follow these steps: Start the ISA Server or Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway, Medium Business Edition Management tool. Can't Login With Edge Browser Using Windows Authentication It was rumored that it would in Win 10 ver 1607, but I can't find anything online regarding it.

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edge prompts for credentials on intranet