dworshak reservoir water temperature by month
PDF President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is Delivering in Idaho xb```b``id`211 P9008X600pH2i}A&.WU\d_?Tn;,JhY.x,QM|GLf,8a/Eir$-uvK_a@J+,l } hT@mo}njnT[9c&>=y; PP h`PrIc`KK D +c4C#@4--a`CF0 @z@Y2pwv@s59o?wa`^$`qr=8T iy@ ]ep8I by@V7 Dr in 2023-04-16. Mehaffey covers fish issues for Clearing Up, and is editor of the NW Fishletter. 184 0 obj<> endobj To learn more and to take advantage of this special offer: In the latest Energy West podcast, Clearing Up's Dan Catchpole and California Energy Markets' Jason Fordney talk about a federal court overturning a local natural gas ban, allegations that PacifiCorp was urged to shut off power lines ahead of the Labor Day wildfires in 2020, a possible breakthrough in Columbia River Treaty negotiations, and more. endstream endobj 185 0 obj<> endobj 187 0 obj<> endobj 188 0 obj<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]>> endobj 189 0 obj<> endobj 190 0 obj<>stream Please purchase a subscription to continue reading. endstream endobj 2494 0 obj <>/Metadata 86 0 R/Outlines 109 0 R/PageLabels 2486 0 R/Pages 2488 0 R/StructTreeRoot 126 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 2495 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 2496 0 obj <>stream September 2021. of Period of Record. year Description based on online resource; title from PDF cover (EPA, viewed May 10, 2022). [8 Days Hourly] [Prior Month] Lower Snake River - Lower Granite: [8 Days Hourly] [Prior Month] Little Goose: [8 Days Hourly] [Prior . 1574 0 obj <> endobj Surface area when full is 6,644 ha and mean depth is 56 m. Itcontains about 5,400 ha of kokanee habitat (defined as the area over 15.2 m deep)depending on pool elevation. Stream: North Fork Clearwater River . water Dworshak Dam and Reservoir on the North Fork of the Clearwater River in Idaho is upstream of the four run-of-the-river Snake River dams . For website corrections, write to cenww-pa@usace.army.mil, An official website of the United States government, Planning and Engineering Technical Services, Lucky Peak Dam Safety Action Classification (DSAC), Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. Real-Time Data, Idaho %PDF-1.4 % Cougar; 2023: Jan: Feb: Mar: Apr: May: Jun: Jul: Aug: Sep: Oct: Nov: Dec: 2022: Jan: Feb: Mar: Apr: May: Jun: Jul: Aug: Sep: Oct: Nov: Dec: 2021: Jan: Feb: Mar: Apr .
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