did winchester fall to the danes

His elaborate smith-made protection, his mobility and striking-power, and his life-long dedication to arms, made him despise mere numbers. Other bands of Moslem fanatics, camped in the hills of northern Italy, raided the Alpine passes. His neighbours had to seek his protection or be ruined. They became the greatest church-builders since the days of Charlemagne and even since those of imperial Rome, whose giant buildings they boldly tried to copy. Her nerves had grown slack, her sinews had lost their strength. But in one State at least the little warlike duchy of Normandy it early established a working and mutually profitable partnership with the knightly class. Ruthless, entirely without sentiment, and, though passionate, self-possessed and cool, they had the simplicity of genius. Eardwulf sought to aid the Danes against King Edward, and he proposed a plan to take Winchester without bloodshed. Before Ashdown, Ethelreds forces had already fought the Danes at Reading, but had been beaten back by the Viking assault. He loved to work, too, in the scriptoria, as he had done as a young monk; in his day the illuminators of the monastic renaissance, with their gorgeous colouring and boldly flowing margins, reached new heights of achievement. The rivers swarmed with fish, and many places had eel-traps; the little Fenland town of Wisbech paid the Abbot of Ely an annual rent of fourteen thousand eels. Though exile in his mothers country had made him more French than English, his subjects were much impressed by his piety. Since the days of Ethelred, the Britons, Picets and Scots of the far North had tended increasingly to merge, not with their southern neighbours, but with one another. The century of Athelstan and Edgar saw a new flowering of Anglo-Saxon art. He even succeeded in persuading his uncle to promise it him though it was not by English law his to promise. Did Winchester invade Danes? Under their feckless king, who let all the nations labour come to nought, nothing went right for the English. Credit: British Library. The History of the Vikings in England (AD. Alfreds most famous victory came at Ethandun in 878, but the Battle of Ashdown, fought seven years earlier on 8 January 871 when Alfred was a 21-year old prince, was equally significant in stopping the momentum of the invading Danes. On April 23rd, 1016 St. Georges Day Ethelred died and Edmund succeeded. They rode at will across Sussex and Hampshire, moored their fleet in Poole harbour, burnt Norwich and Thetford, beat the fyrd at Penselwood in the heart of Wessex, and rode past Winchester flaunting the plunder of Berkshire as they returned in triumph to their ships. Before they did so, there was one glorious episode. The Last Kingdom | The Real History Explained | HistoryExtra During such a feast the king and his retainers would crowd into the hall, where trestle tables of food would await them. A dozen Winchester, the royal capital, York, Norwich and Lincoln, Gloucester, Chester, Canterbury, Thetford, Worcester, Oxford, Ipswich and Hereford had perhaps three or four thousand inhabitants, and one, the self-governing port of London, four or five times as many. Its wealth, so much superior to that of Normandy, seemed a standing invitation. The event takes place in Season 4 Episode 20, The Reckoning .

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