convinced i have motor neurone disease

Motor Neuron. Secondly, it affects each person in a different way; there is no definitive symptom which would immediately suggest the diagnosis. I had to compensate all the time. It was aching because the legs were feeling, were tight. You have two main kinds: As nerve cells die when you have a motor neuron disease, electrical messages can't get from your brain to your muscles. I have enough to eat, my house seems unlikely to be shelled in the near future and I have access to excellent healthcare for free. But we didn't really think anything about it, you know, we just - I thought maybe he was tired or, or whatever. So this really started getting me worried. I have been attempting to reclaim the word spastic, as spasticity is one of my chief symptoms, but it still provokes shock and denial. Muscles gradually become weaker and wasted. Neuromuscular Complications of Cancer | PM&R KnowledgeNow How Has Stephen Hawking Lived Past 70 with ALS? [19], There are no known curative treatments for the majority of motor neuron disorders. And of course the doctors laugh this off, because there are about a hundred causes of cramp, and they basically say, 'Come back if you get anything worse'. Please refer to the articles on individual disorders for more details.[21]. Journalists often focus voyeuristically on the horrors of the physical symptoms, which can make researching the illness quite a traumatic business. He said, Sue, have you been on the bottle? I was worried but tried to laugh it off by saying something had gone awry. I feel I can walk better if I stoop.' Or, if you'd got your foot in a certain place on the floor - and that still happens now, again not so much - as with the accelerator, or the brake, it would go pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop, my whole leg would move. Person with MND. It starts between ages 2 and 17. There may be an obvious cause that is easy to test and treat. I think the first symptom that I felt was that I would wake up in the morning and the muscles, mainly of my left arm, which was odd again, because that wasn't where my first real symptoms occurred. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig's disease, causes progressive muscle weakening. Finally, my employers were unbelievably sympathetic and made all kinds of thoughtful adjustments to my working life until the terrible day when I was declared unfit for work and embarked on my new career as a professional invalid. But as the time went on his symptoms were being well managed, but my symptoms were increasing. And I was all right, but I was stooping. This is a rare type of MND. A subreddit for those sufferers, carers and anybody who has lost someone to this (currently) incurable disease. The lower motor neuron starts in the spinal cord and ends in the muscles. Also, the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke observes that veterans appear to have a 1.5 to 2.0 times higher chance of developing ALS than nonveterans.

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convinced i have motor neurone disease