civil beat hawaii miske

flipped into Honolulu Civil Beat. And if a buyer did complain, a couple of threats were usually enough to silence them.Kaulana Freitas, the Kamaaina Termite employee who also had a car salesmans license, was taken to small claims court by one unhappy buyer. After this introduction, Defendant provides examples of the evidence that has either not been produced or been concealed by redactions. April 27, 2021 (Civil Beat): Alleged Crime Boss Says He's Being Thwarted From Preparing A Defense. Mar. See Dkt. Miskes lawyer, Tommy Otake, told Hawaii News Now that proving the allegations in the indictment will be much more difficult in court. @ilind #HInews #Hawaii 26 Mar 2023 20:55:43 KITV4. And for those who can, please consider supporting us with a monthly gift.Civil Beat has been named the best overall news site in Hawaii for the 11th year in a row by the Society of Professional Journalists Hawaii Chapter. 8, 2022). In re Motion to Unseal Court Records - The Civil Beat Law Center Ian Lind covered this in recent stories in Civil Beat. Civil Beat. Media Coverage Prompts Request To Move Miske Trial To The Mainland. Get our top stories in a quick daily dose so you can read about what matters most in our community . The Ninth Circuit has explained that a party must demonstrate compelling reasons to keep documents under seal when the motion to which the documents pertain is more than tangentially related to the merits of the case. Ctr. A week later, Miske filed his first motion to compel discovery (first motion to compel), as well as a 57-page memorandum in support of the same. 2005). Honolulu businessman Michael J. Miske Jr. allegedly offered to pay $50,000 in 2016 to have a union official killed in an apparent dispute over access to jobs on Honolulu . One of those witnesses was James Borling-Salas, who was 23 years old in December 2019, when he was brutally beaten in the Oahu Community Correctional Center. 22-mc-00008-DKW-KJM, Dkt. 5 thoughts on " Civil Beat includes Mike Miske coverage among its top 10 projects this year " Mike McFarlane December 26, 2022 at 11:23 am. If the court does not receive such notification within four (4) days, the document will be returned to the movant. In this light, within four days of entry of this Order, which affirms the denial of the motion to seal, Defendant must inform the Court whether he wishes to withdraw the exhibits at issue in this matter. 30, 2023). United States District Court, District of Hawaii. 22-mc-00008-DKW-KJM, Dkt. Mother arrested for leaving children home alone to go to gym, police say, MPD: Molokai police officer shoots suspect armed with machete, Motorcyclist dies of injuries after crashing into vehicle in Kapolei, 70-year-old pedestrian killed in Kalihi after being struck by vehicle, 6 seriously injured after van plows into parked pick-up truck on H-1 Freeway, Lilo & Stitch filming to close portion of Kalanianaole Highway in both directions, 'The Other Side of Paradise' with Lynn Kawano, KHNLPUBLICFILE@HAWAIINEWSNOW.COM (808) 847-3246, KGMBPUBLICFILE@HAWAIINEWSNOW.COM (808) 847-3246, KFVEPUBLICFILE@HAWAIINEWSNOW.COM (808) 847-3246, KSIXPUBLICFILE@HAWAIINEWSNOW.COM (808) 847-3246, KOGGPUBLICFILE@HAWAIINEWSNOW.COM (808) 847-3246. On January 17, 2022, Defendant replied to Civil Beat's objection. To date, six of the original co-defendants have pleaded guilty as part of plea agreements. The government makes a similar argument. at 37-38. The Civil Beat Law Center for the Public Interest is an independent organization created with funding from Pierre Omidyar, who is also publisher and CEO of Honolulu Civil Beat. No.

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