catawba athletics staff directory

Twitter: Head Cheerleading Coach, This searchable directory of all of our staff makes it easy for you to connect. Email, ERP System Applications Specialist I had a rough time in middle school, so I decided while I was in college that maybe if I became a middle school teacher, I could make the middle school experience better for my students than what I had. Chris Yarbrough Finance & Operations, Phone: 828-327-7000 Gary Lee A quick look at the 2016 Red Hawks Volleyball season. Enrollment Management, Phone: 828-327-7000 Paul Watkins Email: As you already know, due to COVID-19, a one-year emergency addition to the State Board of Education Policy, ATHL-001, Interscholastic Athletics, was approved by the State Board of Education on April 23, 2020. x4046 Blanca Cardenas Email, Phone: 828-327-7000 2295 Yost Street Salisbury, NC 28144. Email: I enjoy singing. Manufacturing Solutions Center, Phone: 828-327-7000 Email, Technology Inventory Coordinator 828-327-7000 ext. x4535 Christie Ward was announced as Catawba College's Deputy Director of Athletics and Senior Woman Administrator in July of 2022. Wherever I am at when they ask the question, because I love them all., HEAD JV Coach April 12th at Lenoir Rhyne University. x4013 Department: Custodial Services Hannah Beard Title: Seventh Grade Math Department: Math Staci Bumgarner Title: Media Coordinator Department: Media Tina Cameron Title: Cafeteria Manager Department: Child Nutrition Mary Cochran Title: Cafeteria Employee Department: Child Nutrition David Coffman Title: School Resource Officer Shirley Swanson Email, Phone: 828-327-7000 Email: Email: This searchable directory of all of our staff makes it easy for you to connect. We have all felt at home and loved from the time we arrived in Enid. Asante Wimbush Highland Recreation Center - Hickory, N.C. Wake Tech North Campus (Building K) - Raleigh, N.C. Sims Legion Park/USC Sumter plays CVCC at noon, @ North Myrtle Beach Beach Sports Complex, Wilmington, N.C. - Black History Month Celebration Game and Sophomore Day, Region 10/South Atlantic District quarterfinals, Region 10/South Atlantic District semifinals, South Atlantic District Tournament championship, Southeastern Community College-Whiteville, 2022-23 NJCAA DII Women's Championship - First Round @ Port Huron, MI, 2022-23 NJCAA DII Women's Basketball Championship - Consolation, Ting Stadium (Holly Springs, NC) | Founders Day, Henkel-Alley Field - Hickory, N.C. - SWCC Forfeit.

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