6th pennsylvania regiment revolutionary war
[1] Colonels edit Companies edit Company - Sources: Rosters Companies allegiance, Traitors/Patriots of Pennsylvania - 1778 Proclamation, 1774 Committee from Graham, George; ensign in Captain William McCall's ranging company, Bedford militia, 1781 and 1782. 2023 War of 1812 Governor of Pennsylvania Urgent Orders to Col . MALLETT, Peter, Private, NC Militia. 19, 1789, http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/houghton/2013/07/11/a-revolutionary-discovery-in-the-stacks/, Military: Revolutionary War: ROLL OF ANCESTORS: Pennsylvania Society, Sons of the Revolution, 1898 Membership List, Revolutionary War Documents from the Harvard University Library. The regiment spent the rest of the year in garrison at West Point and probably wintered at Morristown. Revolutionary War Associations were replaced by the state militia in 1777, which required most white males from ages 18 through 53 to enroll. companies. It was here that they received a new commander, Lieutenant Colonel Josiah Harmar, on January 1, 1778. On January 1, 1777, 6th Continental Regiment (less 2 companies) merged with Bent's and Whiting's Companies, 24th Continental Regiment and renamed to Wigglesworth's Regiment, an element of the Northern Department, to consist of 8 companies; 2 companies concurrently consolidated with the 15th Continental Regiment. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. 6th North Carolina 6th Pennsylvania Regiment 7th Virginia Regiment King's 8th Regiment (Detroit Garrison) VIII Regiment of Foot (Fort Michilimackinac Garrison) 10th Regiment of Foot His Majesty's 17th Regiment of Foot 17th Light Dragoons 24th Connecticut Militia Regiment 24th Regiment of Foot 33rd Regiment of Foot, Lord Cornwallis' Company Davis, John; major third battalion Cumberland county associators; in actual service on several tours of duty, June, August and December, 1776, and again on duty, 1777 and 1778. McGaw John 65 East Nottingham Pennsylvania 6th Regiment 33377-33380 1820 Magaw, John Soldier McMullen Robert 33373-33375 1852 McDowell, Thomas Deponent Moore William 69 Stone Sadsbury 1820 1774 a company of minutemen was formed in the town of York, the object of 8th Pennsylvania Regiment | Military Wiki | Fandom The enlisted men were held by the British until December 26, 1776 when they were set free on parole. 0000002665 00000 n It was during this action that the "wives of several of the soldiers belonging to the 6th Pennsylvania Regiment.. took the empty canteens of their husbands and friends and returned them filled with waterduring the hottest part of the engagement, although frequently cautioned as to the danger of coming into the line of fire.". Search the Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files of Pensylvania Veterans from The National Archives:: NARA M804. In June the men refused to report at camp for duty as they thought they were still on parole and had not been properly exchanged. Revolutionary War Militia Battalions and Companies Overview This Revolutionary War Militia Arrangement provides a breakdown of the battalions and companies raised in each county and the names of the commanding officers. "Revolutionary Services of Captain John Markland", Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Volume 9, pp.
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