15th judicial circuit judges

3. Judge For example, if guardianship accountings were required to be submitted electronically by professional guardians into a broad based, web application that supports many different platforms, could your technological expertise and systems be adapted to meet such a requirement? Circuit Judges | Arkansas Judiciary - arcourts.gov MAILING ADDRESS. 6.301 and 6.314 and all other Fifteenth Circuit Court Administrative Orders concerning Guardianship and agree to provide services in accordance with those Administrative Orders. Applicants may be removed for any reasons which may disqualify Applicants from appointment, including but not limited to the factors set forth in 744.474. 0000008774 00000 n B v : 2023-2024 Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Professional Guardian Registry for the Wheel INSTRUCTIONS - NEW PROFESSIONAL GUARDIAN APPLICATION Dear Professional Guardian, Thank you for your interest in applying for the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Court Professional Guardian Registry for the Wheel. 15th Judicial Circuit Yes________ No________ If yes, please explain: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If applicable, have you completed the requirements listed in Florida Statue 744.2003(3), which require at least 16 hours of continuing education every 2 calendar years after the year in which you took the initial 40-hour educational requirement?

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